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Shipping & Delivery
All deliveries are made with the international shipping service provider DHL. We send our goods climate-neutrally, from our warehouse in Germany, to your specified delivery address.
Orders are processed from Monday to Saturday and usually leave our premises no later than the next working day.
As we care about our environment, we ship our goods exclusively climate neutral.
Within Germany the standard shipping is free of charge.
For delivery abroad the following costs are incurred:
Zone 1-3 | Zone 4 | Zone 5 | Zone 6 | USA Russland China |
10€ Standard | – | – | – | – |
25€ Express | 30€ Express | 50€ Express | 50€ Express | 25€ Express |
Land | Zone | Land | Zone | Land | Zone | Land | Zone |
Afghanistan | 5 | Französisch Polynesien | 6 | Malediven | 5 | Schweiz | 1 |
Ägypten | 4 | Gabun | 6 | Mali | 6 | Senegal | 6 |
Albanien | 3 | Gambia | 6 | Malta* | 3 | Serbien | 3 |
Algerien | 4 | Georgien | 4 | Marokko | 4 | Seychellen | 6 |
Andorra* | 2 | Ghana | 6 | Marshall-Inseln | 6 | Sierra Leone | 6 |
Angola | 6 | Grenada | 6 | Martinique | 6 | Simbabwe | 6 |
Anguilla | 6 | Griechenland* | 3 | Mauretanien | 6 | Singapur | 5 |
Antigua und Barbuda | 6 | Grönland | 3 | Mauritius | 6 | Slowakei* | 2 |
Äquatorialguinea | 6 | Großbritannien* | 2 | Mayotte | 6 | Slowenien* | 2 |
Argentinien | 6 | Guadeloupe | 6 | Mazedonien (Rep.) | 3 | Somalia | 6 |
Armenien | 5 | Guatemala | 6 | Mexiko | 5 | Spanien* | 2 |
Aruba | 6 | Guinea | 6 | Mikronesien | 6 | Sri Lanka | 5 |
Aserbaidschan | 5 | Guinea-Bissau | 6 | Moldau, Republik | 3 | St. Christoph und Nevis | 6 |
Äthiopien | 6 | Guyana | 6 | Monaco* | 1 | St. Eustatius | 6 |
Australien | 6 | Haiti | 6 | Mongolei | 5 | St. Helena | 6 |
Bahamas | 6 | Honduras | 6 | Montenegro | 3 | St. Lucia | 6 |
Bahrain | 5 | Indien | 5 | Montserrat | 6 | St. Maarten | 6 |
Bangladesch | 5 | Indonesien | 5 | Mosambik | 6 | St. Vincent u. Grenadinen | 6 |
Barbados | 6 | Irak | 5 | Myanmar | 5 | Südafrika | 6 |
Belgien* | 1 | Iran | 5 | Namibia | 6 | Sudan | 6 |
Belize | 6 | Irland* | 3 | Nauru | 6 | Südkorea | 5 |
Benin | 6 | Island | 3 | Nepal | 5 | Südsudan | 6 |
Bermuda | 6 | Israel | 4 | Neukaledonien | 6 | Suriname | 6 |
Bhutan | 5 | Italien* | 2 | Neuseeland | 6 | Swasiland | 6 |
Bolivien | 6 | Jamaika | 6 | Nicaragua | 6 | Syrien | 4 |
Bonaire | 6 | Japan | 5 | Niederlande* | 1 | Tadschikistan | 5 |
Bosnien-Herzegowina | 3 | Jemen | 5 | Niger | 6 | Taiwan | 5 |
Botsuana | 6 | Jordanien | 5 | Nigeria | 6 | Tansania, Ver. Republik | 6 |
Brasilien | 6 | Kaimaninseln | 6 | Nordkorea | 5 | Thailand | 5 |
Britische Jungferninseln | 6 | Kambodscha | 5 | Norwegen | 3 | Togo | 6 |
Britische. Terr. Ind. Ozean | 6 | Kamerun | 6 | Oman | 5 | Tonga | 6 |
Brunei Darussalam | 5 | Kanada | 5 | Ost Timor | 5 | Trinidad und Tobago | 6 |
Bulgarien* | 3 | Kap Verde | 6 | Österreich* | 1 | Tristan da Cunha | 6 |
Burkina Faso | 6 | Kasachstan | 5 | Pakistan | 5 | Tschad | 6 |
Burundi | 6 | Katar | 5 | Palau | 6 | Tschechische Republik* | 1 |
Chile | 6 | Kenia | 6 | Panama | 6 | Tunesien | 4 |
China, Volksrepublik 1 | 5 | Kirgisistan | 5 | Papua-Neuguinea | 5 | Türkei | 4 |
Costa Rica | 6 | Kiribati | 6 | Paraguay | 6 | Turkmenistan | 5 |
Curacao | 6 | Kolumbien | 6 | Peru | 6 | Turks- und Caicosinseln | 6 |
Dänemark* | 1 | Komoren | 6 | Philippinen | 5 | Tuvalu | 6 |
Dem. Republik Kongo | 6 | Kongo, Republik | 6 | Pitcairn | 6 | Uganda | 6 |
Dominica | 6 | Kroatien* | 3 | Polen* | 1 | Ukraine | 3 |
Dominikanische Republik | 6 | Kuba | 6 | Portugal* | 3 | Ungarn* | 2 |
Dschibuti | 6 | Kuwait | 5 | Réunion | 6 | Uruguay | 6 |
Ecuador | 6 | Laos, Dem. Volksrep. | 5 | Ruanda | 6 | USA | 5 |
El Salvador | 6 | Lesotho | 6 | Rumänien* | 3 | Usbekistan | 5 |
Elfenbeinküste | 6 | Lettland* | 3 | Russische Föderation | 4 | Vanuatu | 6 |
Eritrea | 6 | Libanon | 4 | Saint-Pierre und Miquelon | 6 | Vatikanstadt* | 2 |
Estland* | 3 | Liberia | 6 | Salomonen | 6 | Venezuela | 6 |
Falklandinseln | 6 | Libyen | 4 | Sambia | 6 | Ver. Arabische Emirate | 5 |
Färöer | 3 | Liechtenstein | 1 | Samoa | 6 | Vietnam | 5 |
Fidschi | 6 | Litauen* | 3 | San Marino* | 2 | Wallis und Futuna | 6 |
Finnland* | 3 | Luxemburg* | 1 | Sao Tome und Principe | 6 | Weißrussland | 3 |
Frankreich* | 1 | Madagaskar | 6 | Saudi-Arabien | 5 | Zentralafrik. Republik | 6 |
Franz. Süd-, Antarktisgeb. | 6 | Malawi | 6 | Schweden* | 2 | Zypern* | 3 |
Französisch Guayana | 6 | Malaysia | 5 |
Within Germany 1-3 working days
European Union: 1-5 working days
Other countries: 5-10 working days
Parcels outside the European Union must pass through customs. This usually takes 2-3 working days.
Manuele Ficano is not responsible for delays in shipping that are beyond our control.
Delivery to a post office box is not possible.
Outside the European Union, orders may be subject to further charges, which are to be borne by the person placing the order. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how high these fees will be.
For information about customs regulations in your own country, please contact your local customs office.
However, if you have any further questions regarding the more detailed procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form or to contact us directly by e-mail.